Faithful Friends Wall of Honor

These horses have been honored with a donation to the American Saddlebred Horse Association
towards the technology upgrade, which will enhance the ASHA website and help support the advancement of our breed.



CH My-MyCH My-My

CHMY-MY was the first great American Saddlebred that I got to see show. It was a privilege to see her perform and forever solidified my involvement with the American Saddlebred.

Posted 7/2013

Faithful Friends Wall of Honor

We welcome photos of your Faithful Friends. Show ring photos are fine, but we would prefer personal
photos along with a short story of 100 words or less about a favorite memory of your horse.
Please email webmaster to submit your photos and stories.

Make a tax deductible donation of $200 to ASHA to honor YOUR special horse on the Faithful Friends Wall of Honor,
or print out the nomination form (pdf).
